Made in Rwanda – Murakoze New Version Released.

Murakoze project just released a new version of the device, made in Rwanda. The previous version released in 2018, has been a kickstart for the project and paved the way for the new version with new features and new design. The new model includes a new design of the device, a smartphone app that can also be used to rate services, new look and design for the website and customer’s analysed reports’ dashboard.

1. Device Updates

  • Shape

The Murakoze device now has a compact design thanks to the precision in the placement of every component to optimize the available space inside the enclosure.

  • Battery

The device now features a battery and can still work if a blackout occurs.

  • Lighting

The device has a notification light bar that illuminates in a color that corresponds to the color of the pressed button. This confirms to the customer that her/his rating has been received successfully.

2. Smartphone App (New)

  • Rating

Murakoze Mob App can let a user rate a subscribed institution service,  this will let the institution know how their service is good to a user. 

  1. Locate nearby murakoze subscribers

This feature lets a user see on the home screen which institution’s services are nearby his/her location.

3. Customer’s dashboard Updates

  1. Improved Customer Reports
  • Filtering feature to get reports in details
  • Graphical representation of weekly, monthly and Yearly.
  • The number of people participated hourly, weekly and monthly in rating categories of Excellent, Good and Bad.
  • It will be better to show this info as a notification after a user is logged in or send a notification email.
  • Real-time notification on consecutive bad feedbacks
  • Key performance indicator reports that include Net Promoter and Customer Satisfaction Scores

4. Murakoze Website Updates

A new look and design with more information about murakoze to be found on, visitors are able to order the device online. Feel free to Visit it!